Our Core Values
The life force and heartbeat of MM. Our team, our students and our broader Northern Beaches community are at the centre of every decision we make. We constantly look for ways to support, nurture and celebrate our community. We make an ongoing pledge to ensure everyone feels welcome in our space, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, skin colour, age, gender, ability and disability.
Honest & Integrity
We show up with integrity of purpose, true to ourselves and willing to have real conversations. In everything we do we are connected to our why. We believe transparency is the cornerstone of honesty.
We refuse to act from scarcity. We believe everyone benefits when we give wholeheartedly and without reservations. It’s more than simple fiscal, we are generous in thought, presence, energy and attitude.
Conscious Growth
We always work with innovation for the purpose of doing better. We know that when we elevate those around us we also elevate ourselves. We commit to always doing our best, personally and as a business. We know doing so requires a commitment to continuous review and conscious action across all levels of our business. We provide opportunity and encouragement for our team to develop at their own rate and aligned with their purpose.
Everything we do is done with quality, beauty and custodianship of the environment in mind. From our spaces, to our offerings, our manuals, our interactions with our community and partners, and everything in between.