About The Workshop
Everyone breathes. Everyone. So why doesn’t everyone know how to maximize their breathing?
This workshop is designed to help you learn how…
When we are out of balance within or without, our entire physiology reacts and this impacts on our physical and mental state.
Yet we all hold the magic key to changing this.

Our breath

We can use it to manipulate how we feel, how our body regulates and processes not just our physical responses but also our emotions and overall wellbeing -because by getting back to a natural, more optimal way of breathing, we can improve the way we live.
+ Control stress effectively
+ Improve sleep and recovery
+ Feel more energized
+ Reduce inflammation
+ Combat depression and anxiety
+ Improve your physical and mental performance
So join us for this epic men’s circle, as we deep dive into the breath, connect and enjoy some cacao under the heaters. 

Johannes Egberts


Date: Saturday 5th March

Time: 5:30-7:30pm

