sattva yoga – Chakra Balancing Journey
About The Workshop
**Following the last SOLD OUT Sattva Yoga workshop at Mona Vale with Marcus, we recommend booking your place on this one quick!**
“Committing to mastering the higher vibrations of each Chakra allows us to transcend imbalances, to raise our energy and to express the full potentiality of the self” – Anand Mehrotra – Master teacher and Sattva Yoga founder
Join Sattva yoga and Vedic Meditation teacher Marcus Hamill on a deeply transformative journey to awaken energy and balance the chakras.
Sattva yoga is a fully integrated system incorporating Kriya (the yoga of energy and electricity), Kundalini, Pranayama, Asana, Laya, free movement, wisdom and meditation.
A Sattva journey is designed to transcend the mind, to shift, transmute, and master energy, enlivening all levels of our body and consciousness.
Ultimately, Sattva yoga teaches us to move beyond self-imposed boundaries, toward unity and self-mastery.
Who’s this for: Sattva Yoga is for those committed to their own evolution and expansion. In Sattva we’re taken on a deeply transformative journey into the self, teaching us to live fiercely and fearlessly, whilst being completely present to joy and love.
Date: Saturday June 1st,
Time: 2.30-2.30pm