Wonderful, I came with a minor injury and the practice really helped with Kara’s care. Thank you!
– Hamish
How did you get into yoga?
” In 2017 I was working full time in hospitality, I was tired, burnt out & really struggling to find peace in my mind & body. By chance or what I like to consider divine intervention, I was invited to a yoga class by a photographer who needed people in the background of his shots. He told me I would get a free yoga outfit to keep, I thought, free clothes… SURE!
So I attended the class, I was so nervous walking in and had no idea what I was doing most of the class. By the time I hit Savasana, I was in tears, I knew that this was what my body, mind & soul needed. It felt like the missing puzzle piece I had been searching for for years.
At the time that teacher was working at ModernMovement so I decided to try it out for real. I started practicing daily and very quickly my whole life started to transform. I became so fascinated by the human body and how movement could change the energy of the body, mind, and emotions.
Yoga has held me through some of the most challenging moments of my life. I often forget, but there is always this small voice that whispers to me “go home” for me home is on the mat, in my body, with my breath.”
Fill in the blank: If you really knew me, you’d know
“I am a sucker for pun humor….
I laugh really loudly.
I love love in every form.
Music is my medicine.
I am so committed to growth and finding a gift in every challenge.”
What qualities make a great teacher that you strive to emulate?
“The ability to teach the 4 bodies in the same class; anatomical, mental, emotional & subtle. It is a skill I am constantly refining. It is equally challenging and rewarding.
Being able to have a laugh when I say the wrong thing, my students always know what I mean but sometimes words fail to make sense.”
When are you the happiest?
“When I’m laughing with my friends & family. I love my tribe so much and building meaningful, deep connections is one of my greatest joys.”
What would you most regret not having done at the end of your life?
“Following my heart, I am extremely multi-passionate, I have a gazillion ideas allll the time. I’ve definitely struggled to try to mold myself into an identity that is sensible and societally acceptable. But it is a battle I no longer choose to fight. The only thing constant in this life is change. I’ve become a master at navigating change and staying true to myself in the process. It’s a journey but if I don’t follow those subtle callings I stay awake at night wondering what could be.”